Julie Heffernan

from Julie Heffernan’s Constructions of Self

Julie Heffernan creates sensuous figurative painting, like co-Yale MFAS, John Currin and Linda Yuskavage, but her luminous oils are patently unique among them and most working artists today. A Victorian impetus to conjoin, edging toward pastiche, creates artfully staged Surrealist environments. They avoid the mawkish or macabre by virtue of an evocative 17th century Baroque styling and the dignity with which she handles her primary subject, herself. Good construction is essential to the success of such works, built of disparate things suggesting disparate philosophies and ages. Yet the finished product is seamless, making it easy for the viewer to willfully suspend disbelief in the face of rampant artifice. (EIL Review)

Julie Heffernan at P.P.O.W Gallery

Julie Heffernan at Catherine Clark Gallery

Thanks to Modern Art Obsession for finding this artist!

78 responses to “Julie Heffernan”

  1. Ajax says:

    Nice pictures……………

  2. Salooma_91 says:

    i like the imagination in all of this.. truly creative

  3. Artem says:

    reminds me of rococo

  4. […] Beautiful pictures, which I will not attempt to understand, but am just content to enjoy. […]

  5. Maridee Opal says:

    These are amazing, how do you have so much imagination?!

  6. Ajohnson33259 says:

    I was a student of the museum of fine arts Boston and I can see that this is good artwork, Keep up the good work.

  7. Lenneastudio says:

    I love this art , great work!!!

  8. Coke_funs says:

    Looks great!

  9. Anonymous says:


  10. Lagouache38 says:


  11. […] la liste complète sur Escape Into Life Mots-clés: Julie Heffernan Share this post! Twitter Digg Facebook Delicious StumbleUpon […]

  12. Pet Tags says:

    This looks like an interpretation of Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymus Bosch. The level of detail is remarkable.

  13. artoftheunknownsky says:

    Our ornamental constructions, the Chiquita-banana-babe fruit top as we spoil, dismemberment, fall from grace, facade and environments –  “if my people who are called by name will turn and humble themselves, I will heal the land” love-note from the Creator found in 2Chronicles7:14 that will probably includes us in the process. Nice Work! my friend Kata is going to love it! katabillups@gmail.com

  14. clipping path says:

    Very beautiful painting

  15.  Wow! I wish to vacation in your paintings….simply beautiful

  16. Some people have an imagination and some don’t have a clue!

  17. Anonymous says:

    These pictures stunningly represent to me worlds within worlds of beyond realms of imagination. We all have burdens to bear but to be creative is paramount and to everyone in this world positivity matters.

  18. Larsumms says:

    Beautiful, but make me uneasy.   Piles of dead animals, small environs in stacked boxes, overly ornamented – there is more here than one sees at first; a symbolism that goes beyond what I can interpret, but it impels me to try

  19. EIL says:

    Yes, a lot to take in, quite intriguing, “a symbolism that goes beyond what I can interpret, but it impels me to try”, that may be what draws everyone to her works, Thank you 🙂

  20. Sterlingsilvr says:

    As wonderfully disturbing as Hieronymus Bosch with a girlie flair.  I like it.

  21. Aep437 says:

    This artist must really like katamari!

  22. Very cool stuff.

  23. CCaruana says:

    And just think of the time each painting must take!

  24. […] by Julie Hefferman. Click her name for more fantastical […]

  25. […] Julie Heffernan | Escape Into Life […]

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