Haiku Reviews

Simen Johan, owls
Simen Johan

Woe is me. I’m behind on my reviews of books by EIL poets! So, as we exit April, National Poetry Month, so blessed and so cruel, I offer this set of brief “haiku reviews” (it’s a thing!) for the following fine poetry chapbooks!

–Kathleen Kirk, Poetry Editor, Escape Into Life

Jessy Randall, Broken Heart Diet (Unicorn Press, 2007)
Laura Madeline Wiseman, Ghost Girl (Pudding House Publications, 2010)
Jackie K. White, Come Clearing (dancing girl press, 2012)
Keith Taylor, The Ancient Murrelet (Alice Greene & Co., 2013)

Broken heart diet:
potato chips, lettuce juice.
A glass of water.

Ghost Girl wants to help
others avoid/share her fate.
She needs new glasses.

a split chestnut branch
a bone-smooth mind, night walks
coyote circling

Ancient murrelet
of gray mantle, blown off course,
homesick forever.

One response to “Haiku Reviews”

  1. Seana says:

    Nice save. You put me in mind of the fact that I’ve written a few limerick reviews in my day, and may have to use them as a last resort sometime. Though usually it’s getting the book read in time that’s the problem.
    I remember those owls, and I love them.

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